Confessions from an introverted stalker.


The days right after Christmas are always the most depressing days of the year. So naturally here I am writing on this thing. I really need to work on that, huh? Anyway, of course I don’t have a good reason for writing right now. I guess I never do honestly. Hence the lack of entries the past few months. Ah, who am I kidding? I don’t need to explain anymore to you guys on my erratic writing habits.

As I am sitting here in my little Aubrey cave, Adele playing over the radio (which seems to amplify all the emotions floating around in my head..) I am having the weirdest thoughts just kind of popping about.  I am mostly thinking about people. Does anybody else do that? Please tell me you do. I mean where you just sit and think about people you barely even know? Sometimes I just think about how different people are from me. How oppositely we live our lives. And frankly, it fascinates me more than most. I try and figure out reasons to why people act the way they do. I make up little scenarios that would have molded a person to be the way they are. This is why I love to hear people talk. I love asking questions, like about their childhood, or what their favorite movie is. It sort of adds pieces to the puzzle and helps me figure them out. . (Forgive me if I branch out into vague  Aubrey language.)  So I was thinking about one particular person that I don’t really know very well. I don’t believe I have ever had a conversation with this person, but for some reason I know we have a lot in common. We have the same interests and I think we sort of talk the same. (If that even makes sense..? And before you start passing judgement, I swear I am not a stalker.) But in other ways, me and this person are as different as day and night. As I pondered all of this, I realized that this person is going/ has gone through a lot of crap. I couldn’t exactly tell you what this crap is, but it is blatantly there. And as I step back and think about this I just am amazed at how blessed I have been. My life could be so much worse. The idea of death or loss is so earth shattering that I can hardly stand to think about it. And the scary part is, that’s life. No way around it. Death and loss. If anything is guaranteed in life those two things are at the top of the list. And thinking about that really makes me realize how brave I really am not. Which really stinks.

OH, if anyone has any tips on how to be brave that would be appreciated. 😉

Back to the topic of my strange stalking tendencies. Has anyone else just wanted to be able to Google another person? Like you have a question that you are dying to know, but just cannot ask because of the weirdness factor is too high? Because seriously, I am constantly thinking this to myself. I guess I am just like freakishly nosey?  I mean, I could casually talk to someone and not find out jack crap. Behind all the small talk, the person that I am talking to has an entire LIFE that they have lived. And I realize that this sounds super creepy, but I want to know all about it! HEADS UP-If I am ever talking to you, tell me everything; random crap, ideas, stories, whatever. I love it! For some reason it makes me happy. The weird thing is, I myself absolutely SUCK at talking. Small talk is a horrible nightmare. Heart to hearts are painful for me. I just get so confused and I am so used to talking in my head that trying to get my ideas out of my mouth and translated into a way where others can understand is like translating a different language. Wow, it really sounds like I have a bit of a handy cap, doesn’t it? I mean, it is totally possible for me to have heart to hearts and make small talk. But there is a select handful of people that it actually is possible with. And even then I usually get tongue tied and it kind of comes out like word vomit,  but once I catch my groove I just can’t stop. Which I guess is tragic in it’s own little way, but maybe I will learn to be different one day. I don’t know. I guess I am just a listener. The funny thing is, people don’t really seem to have a problem with talking to me. Which I am generally glad about, since I love listening so much. I guess writing all this is kind of redundant, isn’t it? It probably sounds like I can’t shut up. Ha. Irony.

I hope everyone’s Christmas holiday went peachy! Mine has been great so far. Filled with family (yay!) and gifts (yay!).

Sorry this post was the opposite of entertaining. I need to work on remembering to write when I’m not all weird. Feel free to comment and give your own opinions. As you know, I love to hear what you have to say! Maybe a little too much.. haha…

much love! –Aubrey 🙂

OH MY GOSH! I just realized today is exactly the 1 year anniversary of The Adventures Of a Young Xenophile Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW CRAZY IS THAT?!?!

If you feel like celebrating feel free to go back and read my first post ever. And feel free to make fun. I would. 😉

Things that really don’t matter that much.


Hola Hola!

I do hope everyone’s September has been going great. Mine has been rather busy, in a mundane school filled sort of way. (Boo.) I have been adjusting to the “single life” (AKA life without Laurel) and I don’t like it one bit. Saying life without her may be a little bit of a stretch, since we talk everyday, but I STILL DO NOT LIKE IT. Although, I have lucked out the past two weekends and got to see her. It was nice to have a That  70’s Show marathon and Chinese food filled labor day weekend, which if you know me at all you would know that these are 2 of my all time favorite things. Add Laurel, and it is just darn fabulous. This previous weekend consisted of driving to Tulsa with my father and Laurel and seeing Indiana Jones, Raiders of the Lost Ark on the IMAX. Even though I am not a Harrison Ford fan like Laurel, I just have to say one thing. He was a total babe back then. I mean really, how did I not notice before? I guess sometimes it just takes an 500 foot tall screen for you to really see the attractiveness a person possesses.

So. In the past few days I have come to a certain realization. And this realization is that I really don’t care as much as I used to. The reason I say this is because I actually went out in public while wearing sweat pants. THIS IS A BIG DEAL FOR ME, OKAY? Usually this is a big N.O. for me. The even WEIRDER thing is I hardly even thought about it until a guy in my 2nd period sculpture class asked me if I was having a “Lazy Day”. Let me just stop right here, folks. MALES READING THIS BLOG: never ask a girl if she is having a lazy day. IF you are even wondering, then yes, she probably is. Just never ask. And if you feel the need to say anything about her appearance on this day, just say something like “Wow, you look really nice today.” OR ask her if she “works out.” Because trust me, speaking from personal experience, you cannot go wrong with that one. At this point you may be wondering “Sweats? Really, Aubrey? Come on. Not a big deal.” And to those people all I have to say is, just wait. So, in the midst of painting the project I was working on I remembered that I didn’t exactly fix my hair that morning. I just sort of halfway blow dried it the night before, so you know that awkward flippy/straight hair that one can get? Yup, THAT was me. OH, and then there was the dried glob of blue paint that I discovered moments later that must have gotten in my hair during my Painting 2 class the period before. I suppose that is not exactly “clean” looking. I guess “Lazy Day” was nicer than “So, are you having a starving artist, that doesn’t own a hairbrush and/or mirror day?” Well I just sort of scraped the dried paint off of my hair as much as I could and went on with my day, leaving a less noticeable, but still there, blue tint. To continue the story, I got home a little before 3 and collapsed on the couch, cuddling Miss. Moppet, getting her fur all over me and rubbing my eyes, getting raccoon eyes to boot. Very Cute. Except not really. A couple hours go by, more rubbing and smearing. Add humidity from the storm that was appraoching on that Friday night and BOOM, my hair goes flat. Now just take a moment, and picture this. Not. Cute. Believe me. Well continue into the night, and for some random reason I felt the need to make brownies. I have no idea why, but they sounded delicious. So, what do I do? Go get brownie mix, of course. Yeah. I went out in public looking like that. Definitely not cool. Why? I am not really sure. I am just going to thank God that I didn’t meet my future husband tthat night. Or maybe he was there, saw me first, and ducked behind the nearest object he could find to avoid making eye contact with me. The world may never know. I suppose the sad thing is, I seriously am not even bothered by all of this. Dried blue paint and all.

Am I in a rut? Probably.

Not that I really care….

Oh well, love to you all!


Just waiting for something amazing to happen.


Hello all, I know it looks like I posted twice today, (which would be shocking in itself) but really I just forgot to publish it last time. I am so lame.

I hope everybody’s August has been good, mine has been interesting to say the least. My best friend/ sister has gone off to go to school with MEN ( I have seen this with my own eyes), I have started my senior year, and I have been having to get up approximately 4 hours earlier than I had been for the past 2 months. All of those things are rather hard. I have talked to Laurel almost every day, so we really haven’t missed out on any events in each other’s lives, but it honestly still sucks not being able to watch That 70’s Show every night and share every thought that goes through my head. But what can you do? Life certainly goes on. BUT on the bright side she is coming home tomorrow for labor day weekend! WOO HOO!! While on the subject of Laurel, I really REALLY encourage you to take a look at her blog that she has just started. She is generally quite hilarious, and her latest post called Matters of a Custodial sort literally had me in tears because of laughter. I read it out loud to some of my family and it seriously took me ages to finish it because I could hardly finish a sentence without having to stop from crippling laughter. I will put a link to her adorable blog at the end of this post so you can check it out. All I ask is that your don’t stop reading mine because of how awesome hers is! 😉 (But seriously.)

So far the first 2 weeks of my senior year that have happened have been alright. Nothing too pressing has happened. Although this Monday was a little bit of a trying day. I found out the hard way that the gas gauge on my car is broken. And in the process of this I almost hit a school bus. But I avoided all of that and pulled over into a small parking lot and awaited my amazing daddy to save me. So in esscence everything was okay in the end, but I can never let my car get under 1/4 of  a tank.

If anything worth writing about happens to pop up, I will be sure to write. (However unlikely this may be 😉 )

Adios Amigos. -Aubrey

OH and here is Laurel’s link

A post that I forgot to publish…


I would like to start off this post with a WHERE THE CRAP DID MY SUMMER GO? I mean I know where it went, but how the heck did it get there so stinkin’ fast? I knew that once August hit everything would double in speed. I have open house for my senior year (which I should really be more excited about, since it is my last year of high school, but I am not.) and then Laurel moving into her dorm on Friday. Which in all honesty hasn’t really hit anyone yet. The longest I’ve gone without seeing her has been 12 days. And by the end of those 12 days I had about a million pointless stories to tell her. I have no idea how this is going to go. I want to apologize in advance to anyone who I come in contact with these next few weeks. I wish I lived by the ocean again. I could used some saltwater and sunshine to calm me down.

Now that I have ranted about the unstableness (I am pretty sure that is not a real word) that is sure to come in the near future let me get back to the pointlessness I usually write about. 🙂

In case any of you guys ever wondered about how much of a nerd I am let this answer your question by saying that I am re-reading the Harry Potter Series. It was a very impulsive choice that was made when I was about to go lay out in the backyard and realized that I had finished every book that I had checked out from the library (sign number 2 or nerdiness) so I went into Laurel’s room and found the entire series lined up nicely on the bookshelf. It has been years since I read them so a swift decision was made that I will be trying to reread them all before I finish my senior year

How’s that for goals?

Aubrey 🙂

Oh my, it’s summertime.


hello everyone. it’s me, the” not so great at keeping a blog updated” chica! I do hope everyone’s summer vacation is going well. Honestly I think about my dear blog about every day, but I feel like I just have such a mundane life right now I don’t think anything I have going on about now would interest anyone. But whatever, I started this thing on the other side of the world and I intend to keep it going on this side. Even if life is slightly less interesting over here.

This summer has been a good one so far though. I have been doing lots of “teenage” things. Like sleeping in, getting a tan, getting a car, etc. Life is very low maintenance…which is code for boring ( in case you didn’t know.)  I do know that once July passes time is going to flyyy. Laurel is moving in to her dorm on the 17th, and I am pretty sure my senior year of high school is starting the 20th? But enough of that depressing talk. I am doing pretty well at blocking all of that junk out of my mind at the moment. Which, I am positive is extremely unhealthy for the whole process, but honestly I do not care.

There have been lots of things I have been thinking about doing to make my FINAL (lonely, sister-less) year of school go by faster. For example:

1. I bought a ukulele. It is blue. I have been trying to teach myself how to play for a couple of weeks, but things are moving along slowly. But I haven’t given up yet.  I kind of have this fantasy where I will get really good at playing, so I will start putting up videos on YouTube and then get all famous for playing the ukulele and whatnot. That would definitely make next year go by faster! But we all know that will never happen. The closest I will ever get to that dream is probably just putting up more videos of me lip syncing popular songs dressed as Bruno Mars. It is a little bit tragic.

2. What if I started exercising, like all the time? Besides my 2x a week yoga that I forget to do half the time, I do nothing. I mean, I just bought an exercise DVD that claims I will have like a “rockin bod” after doing it for a couple weeks, but I have yet to start it.  Mostly because I have been out of town for the past week staying with my grandmother but really that is a convenient excuse. I mean, I know I don’t need to lose weight and everything but it would be good to be in great shape just in case an apocalypse broke out and I had to run and hide for a couple weeks, or a hunger games situation broke out. I want to at least have a chance at surviving, right?

3.Getting a JOB. This is probably the most practical and boring way I could make time pass. I know I would earn money, which God knows I need, but to be honest I can be a little lazy and the only work experience I have is teaching English to ESL kids. Now I am just complaining, so I will stop. But seriously…. If I thought being a great ukulele player with a really fit body would get me a steady income I would totally just forget this “job” option, but I know at the bottom of my heart that it would never work that way.

Well, I believe I have rambled quite enough for today. Hopefully something exciting will happen        ( like me waking up with rad uke playing skills or something)that will give me something of interest to write about next time. But until then, later gators.

Aubrey xoxo

When you have nothing to say, just make a list.


Things that irritate me.

  1. When People only talk about video games.
  2. When People only talk about their pets.
  3. Runny Noses.
  4. When it is so cold that it is uncomfortable to do ANYTHING.
  5. Loud/disobedient children. They usually go hand in hand.
  6. When people think they have it all figured out. NO. ONE. DOES.
  7. Obvious ignorance. (At least try and hide it a little.)
  8. Constant FB status updates. They are usually about personal things that no one cares about.

Things I wish I knew the answer to./ Things that confuse me.

  1. Why do some people think it is okay not to shower on a regular basis?
  2. Why do I love sad movies?
  3. Why wasn’t I born with the ability to play the harmonica and ukelele?
  4. When did I start to care so much about everything?
  5. Why do I smile when I don’t mean it, and cry when I don’t want to?
  6. Why can’t it be socially acceptable for me to have a British accent?
  7. Why do I move around so much when I sleep?
  8. Why does everything you cannot have seem so appealing?

Hello, again.


Well it has been over a month, which makes me kind of a failure, once more. I have no idea why, but when I do blog it comes in spurts. I have to say that you guys have not missed much because so far 2012 has been pretty dry. Although I do feel bad about missing The Adventure of a Young Xenophile’s 1 year anniversary. 😦 I really just cannot believe the blog has made it a year! Ha, I can barely believe that I made it since last year 😉

 For this new year my goal, or resolution, would be for motivation. That is what I have been praying for and I want to try and keep myself motivated in everything. So, yeah, no fancy goals this year, just motivation. And also it would be nice to check some more of by bucket list stuff off…

As of the moment I am sitting in my house alone blogging while every other person in America is watching the Super Bowl. I have to admit, I have it on so I won’t feel lonely, and so I can look at Tom Brady because he is so pretty. I also find myself only looking up at the TV when the commercials come on, which is a little bit messed up I think.  Just look at my boring life 🙂 See, I told you guys you haven’t missed very much.

If I think of more to talk about I may blog later, but for the moment I suppoe I will make some food, a cup of tea, get on Pinterest and ignore the fact that I have school tomorrow. Love to you all 🙂


We’re back to December.


Okay. So I have been thinking of a new way that I can post on here. I  think I am going to start doing a one post a week type of thing where I journal or write a little bit everyday, and at the week I get on here and sort of compile a day by day kind of thing. If that makes sense. I already started this last week, but didn’t get to continue this week because it was finals week and I was too busy making sure my scores were high enough to be exempt. What can I say? I am a little overachiever. And I was just SO ready to be done with school that getting a two-day head start on the Christmas holiday was something I just felt like I needed. And the idea of looking at another test made me want to die. But, all of that is beside the point. So what I am going to do is kind of copy my journal entries and little rants onto here, like I usually do, but separate them by dates. Just for organization sake, I suppose.

December 6th, 2011…. So, the thing is, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking. You really don’t realize how much you have changed as a person, or how much you have done until you really look back and ponder. And as I have pondered, I’ve started to remember. I cannot believe that three years ago we were mere weeks away from heading out to China. It seems like a lifetime ago. Now, I realize I am only 16, and that is kind of a “kid” to some people, but I really feel like I deserve an age that allows me to be a couple of years older. I’ve experienced quite a lot, and even if I haven’t experienced something, I feel like I know somebody who has. Hmm, that seems quite vague, but I really hope you get the idea. Life is just so weird, sometimes it is so obnoxiously obtuse and blunt and you see everything in a light where nothing is questionable or unclear. It kind of feels like looking into the sun. It is just so there. And it hurts you after a while. Some way or another. But then sometimes, Life is like you are walking around blindly, just barely making out shapes and feeling around without a clue, all alone. Just searching for the right person to give you assistance, or encourage you that you are almost to a place where you will be able to see clearly again. But then, of course, there is everything in between. I think spending certain amounts of time in each state really dictates the sort of person that you are.  I kind of which I had an age calculator where I could type all of my experiences and thoughts into it and make it tell me the age I really am. The age I have earned.  I think that is what I really liked about China. I was able to be an adult. I was treated like an adult everywhere I went. I had ways to get around without depending on my parents or friends, I had a job, I had money, places to go, people to see, all at my disposal. All that freedom really ages a person. That’s another thing that is weird about being back here. I feel extremely out of touch with my generation. I don’t really ever remember being “normal” for my age. I was either behind, ahead, or totally off doing my own thing, thinking everyone else was bizarre for being the way they were.  And now here it is again. The kids my age have “done” more than I have, or that’s what a lot of  them think. They drive cars, go out with their boyfriend/girlfriend of the month, that sort of thing. And apparently this makes them more “experienced” than I am. But I’ve been as far away from home as a person can get, traveled internationally with no adults, lived in a culture that is quite different from American culture, made friends from heaps of different countries, AND taken hundreds of taxis. I think it is fair to say that in some aspects I have them all beat in “experience”, if that is what you want to call it. Now, I am not saying that one way is a better way of living that the other, because I have seen son SCREWED up people come out of each end of the spectrum. It is a matter of balance, and it differs from person to person, and thank the Lord for that because we might end up with an even more screwed up world otherwise.

December 7th, 2011…. The world we live in is a twisted sort of place. I think everyone knows it on some level. Some just know it better than others. And I believe that the ones who know it the best are the ones that need to be untwisted the most desperately.  Man, these days are getting short. I don’t know if I will ever be unexhausted ever again. I am definitely a summer girl. I really miss the warmness and waking up to sunshine. The people who can live in the cold all year really have my respect. They must be incredibly strong. Or insane. The thought of being in a cold environment all year just makes me feel like a deflated balloon. Probably because I know I would fall back into depression and that may just be the end of me. In fact, I am ready for school to be over. High school for that matter. Next year is a very discouraging thought for me. Once Laurel leaves I do not know what I will do.

Okay, so that is all I am going to copy out right now. I have one more entry from last week, but I will probably post it later. I actually have things to talk about now, so I will definitely be getting back on soon.

Thanks for reading. Love you all, and feel free to comment and leave your opinions 🙂

xx, Aubrey


these are the times that try mens souls.


Hello, you wonderful people. I do hope everyone’s Thanksgiving holiday was fantastic and everyone got to spend it with family and eat lots of ham, like I did.

Have you ever just wanted to talk and talk and just sort of never shut up? (Even if you know you would run out of things to say) Well I sort of want to do that right now, even though I have nothing to talk about. Well, that is a lie. I do have quite a bit to say actually. It just wouldn’t mean anything to half the people who hear it. But that is certainly beside the point. The crummy thing is I don’t have anyone that I can just sit down and rant and preach to. And let’s just say it is not the kind of stuff I can just write down on a blog for the whole world to get a hold of. (not that I think the whole world would ever read this blog, that would be absurd, but just for argument’s sake..) I suppose now that I think about it, I would never really put anyone the torture of listening to me talk for long periods of time. I get dreadfully off subject and stutter a lot, hahah. Sometimes my mouth just doesn’t move as fast as my mind. 

By the way, there is something quite obvious that I find very interesting lately. It is that different things make people cry. I mean, of course I have always known that, but I just find it incredibly interesting. For example; the story about that elephant and puppy being best friends, but the puppy died and the elephant was quite depressed and stopped eating and might die quite soon made Laurel cry, and now I cannot mention it at all or Laurel bursts into tears and threatens me. But lately she cries easily at everything. But me, I cry at music videos (but only when they are about falling in love, or death. Like Take On Me by Ah-ha[It’s about falling in love], The One That Got Away by Katy Perry[Love and death], and The Ghost Of You by My Chemical Romance[just death]- just to name a few) injustice, and goodbyes. And honestly that is about it. Oh, and sometimes if I sleep in and my hair refuses to be fixed. But isn’t it weird? Okay, maybe it isn’t weird to you guys, but to me it totally is. I mean, the elephant puppy story didn’t even really affect me. Okay, well maybe this whole thing only makes sense to me.

ENOUGH DEPRESSING TALK. Why do I always get on those absurd tangents? Actually it is probably the same reason I bake at 1:30 am. The winter blues are coming on. I really don’t want to go through it all over again. You guys were around for that last time. (Well maybe you were. I blogged about it.) I was semi depresses and wanted to sleep all the time. I also got strangely active at night. For example; last february I stayed up till 4 a.m. making paper chains out of  magazines and organizing all of my old pictures. I just had all of this energy all pinned up and I could only use it in the late hours of the night and into the early hours of the morning. It was very bizarre. It also made me very tired at work. Hopefully I will have more outlets over here. I won’t be so alone. I am just going to attempt to stay optimistic and drink a lot of water. (Just because I need to drink more) All I want to do is avoid that feeling of feeling trapped. To me, it is the worst feeling ever. I despise wasting time because I feel like I am just letting my life wither away. I don’t know, I just think life is too short to not let yourself live. And you all know this because I say this about every other blog post.

There’s part of me who keeps saying “Get your license and go!” But really that is stupid. Yeah, driving will be great and I need to get on that, but I am 16. 16 year olds don’t have a whole lot of freedom. I have school. I have responsibilities that would just be selfish if I ignored them. This world is really inconveniencing me. 😉 I would probably not be having this problem if I wasn’t so weird about being alone. I am very particular about having my alone time. If I am around people for too much then I get in a bad mood. Like a very reclusive and snappy mood. Then people get away from me quite fast after that. haha. I am the same way about traveling. Although, there is a select group of people who I can travel with and spend extensive amounts of time with, and I am related to all of them. One of them, my sister, Laurel. She is basically the only one in the whole world that I don’t really get sick of. (Unless she is in a bad mood, then I run away fast in the other direction.) I will let her go on adventures with me, and we always have the best time ever, cracking ourselves up the whole time. We just balance each other out SO well. It is crazily convenient. When we are in airports it is just smooth sailing. We are the easiest passengers ever and we can totally zip in and out, it is like a dream. I think we should go on The Amazing Race together so I could make her do all the scary challenges that involve being really high and dropping really fast. Hahaha. Our relationship is so good that I am pretty sure I could marry a Virgo who is an older sibling and the marriage would be extremely succesful. I could go on for years about Laurel’s and mine relationship, so I will just stop. So the other person I could be with for days on end without having a problem would have to be my momma. When she’s in her real personality, not her stressed out mom personality, I would travel to the moon and back with that woman. (But then again, she is a Gemini like I am) I think we work so well together because she listens to my crazy ideas and not only encourages them, but she makes them more beautiful. I think that should be her job, honestly. Someone who makes life more beautiful. She would be perfect at it. She is just such an artist. I hope I am like that when I grow up. She likes dreadlocks and combat boots, but only if they are both worn in a tasteful way. She sees the world in a way that I am hoping I will see it some day.

Maybe someday I will learn to be around people for extended periods of time without getting cross. But probably not. Woo, my brain hurts from all the rambling, and I am sure yours does too.

love you all dearly.

aubrey(AKA, complicated stir crazy girl.)

Oh sunshine, where art thou?


Have you ever been in a rainstorm where it is raining so hard, and the thunder is so loud that everything around you just sort of shakes? Because that is what is happening right now.

By the way, hello my lovely readers! I want to apologize (yet, once again) for not writing in ages. This is what happens when the laptop one uses to blog on breaks mysteriously. I could use one of those old laptops we have, but my patience for them is rather short. And I have been quite busy as well. Studying for a boating license is hard work. ( I know. “BOATING LICENSE?!” You may be saying. “Why are you not studying for a DRIVER’S LICENSE?! You cannot drive a boat to school, you silly girl!” But I will explain that whole merde situation later.) Let me tell you what else is hard work, teaching football players Mandarin Chinese phrases and getting enrolled and qualified for College Algebra. Two things which I have been doing lately.

But look at me, I’ve made time to get caught up. You know, I always get rather inspired when I come to my grandparents house. It must be the home cooked food and the nostalgic feeling I get. I know I have mentioned this before. It all just kind of gets my juices running. When I feel nostalgic, or sad, or a mix of the two, is when I get the most inspired. Tragic life of an artist I guess. (Look at what I do for all you guys 😉 )But the tragic thing is this is what I L-O-V-E to do. What a bizarre process I go through. I get depressed so I can write and create, so I can feel successful and well lived. What a life I lead. Depression=Happiness. Lovely. I know I have said it once and I will say it again; I need help. Except, it might smoosh my creative process, so never mind.

Alright, now that I got my deep nonsense out of the way, let me explain this boating business to you. So, for some random reason that no one is reallycertain of, in health class we went through a long semi-painful process where we had a Boating 101 type of class. How does this pertain to health? I have no clue. No one does, actually. Well, the nub and gist of it all is that I now have a blue cardboard piece of paper which states I can legally drive a boat or PWC, personal water craft. (Sorry for the fancy boating talk, but just try and keep up 😉 ) But anyways, of course there is joy unbounded.

Let me see, what other parts of my life do I need to inform you lovely people about? How about an Aubrey Sleep Talking Episode? Okay, well in case you all weren’t sure about how bizarre I am, you are about to find out. So a couple weeks ago Laurel came into where I was sleeping and said started talking to me. She asked me a question to which I replied by screaming “COR! I DON’T WANT TO BLOODY MOVE!!!….Right? RIGHT?” And then I smiled at her, and went right back to sleep. Yes, I know. Be afraid, be very afraid. It was bizarre sleep talking behavior, even for me. Randomly screaming at my sister with British swear words. (‘Cor’ means something along the lines of “Oh my GOSH!!!!!!!!!” or “GEEZ!!!!!!” in British slang) Charming. I do hope I grow out of it. Although my track record isn’t looking to great. Sleep talking is rather normal for me. Perhaps the British slang words are just a phase though. I really hope it is. My future husband may find it off setting.

I mean, this is all I have really been up to this past November, so you guys have not really been missing too much. OH! I did just remember something. I finally am officially enrolled in my college algebra class, which is certainly a relief. I am just a little bit away from getting just about everything I wanted to get caught up on dealt with. The list of things I have left to do is as follows:

  1. Take driver’s test and get the permit or license. (Whichever I can get my hands on first, preferably the license.)
  2. Get great score on ACT in December. (I have this far away hope of getting early acceptance to a college for some reason-even though it TOTALLY conflicts with my plan of taking a gap year.)
  3. Get $$$ for Christmas shopping. (Feel free to make donations 🙂 )
  4. Go Christmas shopping.

Now I just need to find a legal and morally sound way to get the money.

Speaking of Christmas, who else is almost in complete Christmas mode? I am actually almost forgetting about Thanksgiving all together. Laurel and I have already been cracking out the CHristmas music. Oh, how I love Bing Crosby…

What can I say? We are insanely wonderful. 😉

Love to all.xx Aubrey